What we believe
Our beliefs guide and inspire our mission to lead people to become
fully devoted followers of Christ. Here’s what we believe as a church.
He has eternally existed as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three are coequal and are one God.
Genesis 1:1, 26, 27, 3:22
Psalm 90:2
Matthew 28:19
2 Corinthians 13:14
We accept fully the writings of the entire Old and New Testament as the inspired, inerrant, and objective Word of God. We believe the Bible is the final authority in all matters of doctrine, duty, and decisions as individuals and as a New Testament Church.
Psalm 119:89;
2 Timothy 3:15-17;
I Thessalonians 2:13.
We believe in the only true God, the Creator, Who is eternal, loving, just, merciful, holy and unchanging, and that God exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, equal in every divine attribute and executing distinct but complementary offices in the work of redemption.
Colossians 2:9;
Matthew 28:19;
Matthew 3:14-17.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Only Begotten Son that He pre-existed with God the Father before His birth in Bethlehem that
He was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit in the body of the virgin Mary that He lived a totally sinless and perfect life
that He died on the Cross for the sins of the whole world that He was buried and supernaturally raised out of the grave and declared
the victorious Son of God over sin, death and hell …that He is presently seated at the right hand of God in the place of authority
in heaven that He is coming back to the earth soon to bodily resurrect the dead in Christ and to rapture every living believer
to be carried to heaven with Him.
John 3:16;
Colossians 1:17;
Isaiah 7:14;
Luke 2:26-38;
I Peter 2:22, 24;
Romans 1:1-4;
Hebrews 7:25;
I Thessalonians 4:13-18
We believe the Holy Spirit convicts the sinner, regenerates the sinner, indwells and seals the
believer at the point of initial salvation and that He fills and empowers the believer in order
that he may live a holy and fruitful life. We believe every Christian should live life under the
control of the Holy Spirit of God. We believe that the evidence of the fullness or control of
the Holy Spirit is in living a godly, holy, fruitful, and witnessing life. We believe that
the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an experience that takes place at the time of salvation and is not separate from salvation.
John 14:16, 26;
John 15:26-27;
John 16:7-11;
Romans 8:1-14;
I Corinthians 12:13; 14:23; 32-33
We believe that Adam, the first man, was created in the image of God and in innocence. However, by his
voluntary transgression against the will and law of God, he fell into sin and incurred not only physical
death, but spiritual death, which is separation from God. Consequently,
all human beings are born with a sinful nature and are in need of redemption.
Psalm 51:5;
Isaiah 53:6;
Romans 3:23;
Ephesians 2:1-4.
We believe that salvation is by grace through faith, that it is the free gift of God.
We believe that man is saved by faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe a person must repent of his sin and by faith receive and trust the Person and
provision of Jesus Christ as Lord in order to be saved. We believe that salvation is a present reality,
that one can be saved and can know that he is saved, and can enjoy his life of salvation.
We also believe that all who have been truly born again will be saved forever and cannot lose their salvation.
We believe that being saved is the most important experience in every individual’s life.
Ephesians 2:8-9;
Romans 5:1-19; 10:9,10,13;
Hebrews 9:22;
Matt. 16:26.
We believe that heaven is a real place. We believe it is a lovely place, a perfect place,
a place which will be populated by the saints of God from all ages. We believe the most
important thing about heaven is the presence of the Lord Himself.
We believe a person must make proper preparations to go to heaven,
and that that preparation is to receive Jesus Christ as one’s own Lord and Savior.
John 14:1-6;
Hebrews 12:22-24;
Revelation 21:10-17; 22:1-2.
We believe that hell is a real place, and it was prepared for the devil and his angels,
and that all of those who die outside of the Lord Jesus Christ will spend eternity in hell.
We believe that hell is a literal place of physical, mental, spiritual, and eternal suffering.
We believe that every person will spend eternity either in heaven or in hell.
Luke 16:19-31;
Revelation 20:11-15;
Matthew 13:42;
Matthew 25:41;
Mark 9:43,46.
We believe that Satan is a real person, that He was created,
that he originally lived in heaven but was cast out of heaven when he rebelled against God.
He is totally sinful, he is deceptive, he is powerful, and we believe that he is the
leader of a vast host of evil spirits who seek to keep unsaved people lost,
who seek to divide and deceive New Testament Churches, and who seek to devour
and deceive individual Christians. We believe that Christ defeated the devil
at the Cross and that the Christian has authority and power over the devil now,
through the Lord Jesus Christ. We also believe that Satan will ultimately
be cast into the lake of fire at the end of the age.
Isaiah 14:12-17;
Ezekiel 28:11-19;v Ephesians 6:12;
Genesis 3:1;
II Corinthians 11:14;
Revelation 12:11; I John 4:4.
We believe the greatest privilege of the Christian is to live for Jesus in this present age.
We believe the Christian life is a supernatural life. It is Christ living His life in us and through us.
We believe it is a spiritual life. It is the Holy Spirit of God empowering and enabling us to be what God wants us to be.
It is a warfare life; it is a constant struggle between the flesh and spirit. It is a life of separation.
We believe the Christian life is one of separation from the ways of the world. It is a life of faith,
which is total commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is living by the promises of God and in obedience
to the commands of God. It is a life of progress, spiritual growth, and maturity, where we become more
and more like Jesus. It is a life of fruitfulness where the fruit of the Spirit is exhibited in our lives
in the way we live and in the witness of our lives as we lead other people to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe that witnessing is a necessary and normal part of the Christian life.
Galatians 2:20;
Galatians 3:23;
Galatians 5:17;
Galatians 3:11;v Galatians 4:19;
Ephesians 5:18;v Galatians 5:22-23;
Acts 1:8;
Titus 2:11-13.
We believe that the local church is God’s instrument in this present age and that all
Christians should both belong to and be an active part of a local New Testament Church.
We believe the church is a body of baptized believers in whom Jesus Christ lives and
over whom He lords, and is to live under the direction and discipline of the Holy Word of God.
They are united together in the Holy Spirit for the purpose of evangelizing the lost,
building up the saved and glorifying the Lord. We believe the church belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ,
that He purchased it with His own blood, and we believe that the members of His church
should love Christ and all the members of the body and that they should be faithful to the church’s purposes.
We believe in the separation of church and state. We believe the church is a God-governed
body with the pastor serving as the spiritual leader of the body.
Matthew 16:18;
Ephesians 3:21;
Acts 2:41-47.
We believe that baptism by immersion is the only Scriptural mode.
We believe that baptism does not save, but it is an act of obedience
to the command of Christ and a testimony to the world of one’s faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that baptism identifies a believer
with Jesus Christ and with the people of God.
Romans 6:1-5; Matthew 28:19-20. We further believe that
the Lord’s Supper is a symbolic ordinance which pictures Christ’s body
broken for our sins and His blood shed for our redemption. We do not believe
it is a saving ordinance, but rather symbolical. We believe that every born-again,
baptized believer should take the Lord’s Supper as an act of worship, praise, remembrance,
and gratitude to Jesus Christ for what He has done for the sinner.
I Corinthians 11:23-24.
We believe that there will be three special judgements. i) The Judgement of the Believers:
This would start immediately believers are caught up in the sky, they shall stand before Christ.
After this judgment they will descend down with Christ upon the earth
II Cor. 5:10;
I Cor. 3:3; 11-15;
James 1:12;
Rom 2:16. ii)
The Judgement of the Nation: This will be the time when Jesus appears upon earth between the millennial reign and final judgement.
Acts 17:31;
Joel 3:2;
Ez. 14:15;
Jud. 1:14-15;
II Thess 1:7-10;
Rom 2:16;
Rev. 1:7;
Mal. 16:21.
iii) The Judgement of the Unbelievers: or the White Throne Judgement :
This will happen after Christ’s one thousand years reign at the White Throne.
Rev. 20:11-15;
II Peter 3:7;
Dan. 12:2.
The Second coming of Jesus Christ will be in physical form and will be visible
to all in like manner as He was seen ascending up to heavens – Acts 1:9-11; John 14:3.
His return will be in two stages: A. Christ’s return in the sky –
The Saints or Bride of Christ will be raptured to meet Christ in the sky
I Thess. 4:15-17;
I Cor. 15:51-52;
Matt. 24:40-44;
Matt 25:10 B.
His return to the earth
He will return to the earth to judge the sinners and the ungodly
Rev. 19:19-21;
II Thess. 1:7-10;
Jude 1:14-15;
Zech. 14:3-4.
We believe in the laying on of hands and anointing the sick on the head
in the Name of the Lord and that prayer of faith shall save the person – James 5:14-16; Mark 16:17-18.
But we do not use any other methods which are not according to
Bible teaching such as sanctification of water for the sick to drink, or to perform special
washing for the sick in the flowing river, the use of robe or garment, or to carry a small
stick in the form of a cross ones person or the use of candles and such things. They are not Biblical.
The order of our Lord is that we should heal the sick free of charge
Matt 10:8.
We do not receive money or charge money before we offer prayer for anybody.
All those using the above materials for healing shall perish with them
Mark 16:18;
James 5:14;
Matt 10:7-8;
Mark 6:13.
Swearing and Cursing Forbidden All Christians should not swear or curse or blaspheme for we were not taught of Jesus in such a way.
“Bless, and curse not”
Rom. 12:14. Swear not at all, neither by Heaven, nor by the earth or any other swearing. But let your yes by yes,
and No be No so that you do not run into condemnation
Matt. 5:34;
James 5:12.