Four things that can close the door of heaven against you

Four things that can close the door of heaven against you

Rejection, Bitterness, Rebellion, Unforgiveness REJECTION (OPPOSITE IS LOVE) Rejection includes fear of rejection and self-rejection.Except for the sins of the ancestors, rejection is generally where thedemons first attack someone. Because of the parents, this can be in thewomb.Matt. 5:3…………(rejected are “poor in spirit”)Matt. 5:43-44…..(love your enemies)II Cor. 5:14-15…(not live unto themselves)Eph. 6:4………….(fathers provoke not your…

Christian Hope

Christian Hope

The idea of hope is the recognition that in Christ is found the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises (Matthew 12:21, 1 Peter 1:3). The certainty of this blessed future is guaranteed through the indwelling of the Spirit (Romans 8:23-25), Christ in us (Colossians 1:27), and the resurrection of Christ (Acts 2:26). Hope is produced…

S.E.O. Proposal..?

S.E.O. Proposal..? Hello, I was looking at your w= ebsite and realized that despite having a great design; it was not ranking = high on any of the search engines (Google, Yahoo & = Bing) for most of the keywords related to your busin= ess. With your permission I = would like to send you…