07 What Do You Want?

September 7 One of the most significant questions you can ask a person is “What do you want?” When King Artaxerxes saw Nehemiah’s sadness, that is exactly what he asked him. (See Nehemiah 2:4.) What is equally significant is that Nehemiah was able to answer the king specifically. He said, “Let [the king] send me…

06 What You Were Born to Do

September 6 I like to think of Nehemiah’s cupbearer job as his preliminary occupation, or his “pre-occupation,” because he was born to fulfill another, much more important role. Your true work is what you were born to do. Your job is what you do only until you are ready to fulfill your vision. God had…

05 A Job versus a Purpose

September 5 There is an excellent illustration in the Bible that shows the difference between simply having a job and having a clear guiding purpose. It is found in the life of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was in a top position in the court of the Persian king Artaxerxes; he was cupbearer, and he was a highly…

04 Determine your vision

September 4 The Why of Existence One of my undergraduate degrees is in education, and I had to take a course in biology for a full year as part of my degree requirements. I really enjoyed that course because it was extremely detailed; we studied the neurological and circulatory systems of the human body. At…