Day 14 Don’t Grieve the Holy Spirit
Ephesians 4:30
And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
A person could be living a life of holiness, yet still grieve and quench the Holy Spirit. The Bible warns us, “…do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God”. To grieve is to sadden, afflict, distress, or cause discomfort. We grieve the Holy Spirit with our bad attitudes, thoughts, conversations, and malicious acts; with anger, contention, bitterness and cursing.
We grieve the Holy Spirit when we deliberately sin, have selfish ambitions, or entertain unclean thoughts. The Scripture also says, “Do not quench the Spirit” (1 The. 5:19). We quench or stop His flow when we do not trust prophecies or in God’s provisions; such as the miracles, healings, deliverance or prosperity.
That is why, when the Holy Spirit speaks, we must act immediately, because why would He give us a new prophecy if we didn’t do anything with the previous one? Jesus showed us how to live through the Holy Spirit, without grieving or quenching it.
Today, you too can allow the Spirit of God to work on your character, so that His flow may never be cut short in your life.
Let us pray
Dear Jesus, on this day I confess my sin and repent for having offended You. I break all pacts I made with the world and the flesh, and I make a new pact with You, to love and serve You for the rest of my life. I never want to grieve or quench Your Holy Spirit. Lord, create Your character in me. Amen.
Bible Readings: Romans 8:9; Romans 8:23; Galatians 5:16-17