Day 5 Moving into a new Dimension
Exodus 2:15
When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian, where he sat down by a well
The environment in which we live can make it difficult for us to transition into a new dimension. For this reason, when God calls someone for an unusual purpose, He often removes them from their familiar environment. This happened to Moses. The Lord needed him so He had to take Moses out of the comfort of Pharaoh’s palace, lead him to the desert, and then have him return to deliver the people of Israel from Egypt’s. Moving into a new dimension in life involves forsaking our comfort zone to get a better position. It is obvious that before someone becomes a professional. He must learn the process and get trained for the job. This is also in our spiritual encounter with God. It will not be easy but the end is blessed. Looking for a better life and being spiritual mature involves spiritual exercise and training to Godliness. Like Moses he left the comfort in the house of Pharaoh and wandered in the desert for him to be trained to bring the Israelites out from the bondage.
Perhaps God is calling you for an unusual purpose, and you have refused. Now is the time to leave your comfort. Age is not a limit. Abram was seventy-five years old when God called him to leave his home and his people.
Let us pray together
Lord Jesus, today I acknowledge that I have been fleeing the great commission that you gave us. I regret not having attended your call, and starting today, I make the commitment to faithfully serve you the rest of my life.
Bible Readings: Matthew 2:13-14; Matthew 10:23; Genesis 12:1