All things are possible to them that believe

All things are possible to them that believe

All things are possible to them that believe (Mark 9:23). Your faith allows God to do miracles in your life. You may not know how it works but you do know it can be done. You may not know how you’ll get all your bills paid on time but you are convinced it can be done. Doctors say you’ll never recover from some incurable disease but you know God has the power that makes the impossible possible. He made the heavens and the earth. He created everything. He created life. He has the Name that is above every name. Don’t think for a moment that the miracle you need can’t be done. Choose to believe that it can. You serve the God of miracles. That’s what He does. He specializes in doing the impossible. Whatever you need, it can be done.

Do you believe in miracles? If not, look around you. The creation of this planet was a miracle. The stars shining in the night sky is a miracle. The sun rising in the east and setting in the west is a miracle. Trees sprouting their leaves in the spring time is a miracle. The birth of a new born is a miracle. Miracles are all around yet many refuse to believe in them. Believing is a choice. God gave man a free will and you can believe whatever you choose to believe. However, you can not be a Christian and not believe in miracles. The virgin birth was a miracle and the Lord’s resurrection from the dead was the greatest miracle of all. Our salvation is founded on the working of miracles. Our God is a miracle working God and if you believe in Him then you must also believe in miracles.

Shortly before the ascension of Jesus He told His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:15-18). God uses miracles to make people whole. There are miracle debt cancellations, miracle healings, and the miraculous setting free of fear and depression. The New Testament word for “miracle” is ‘power’ and a miracle is “power that makes possible.” God is the God of power that makes the impossible possible.

From Genesis to Revelation is one miracle after another. Glorious, wonderful things can happen to you and through you if you choose to believe. People need a revelation of how big and how great God is. Our God is an awesome God and He performs miracles. Your mind is the doorway to your spirit so keep your mind stayed on Him. If you do, He’ll keep you in perfect peace as spiritual realities begin to flow into your life. The more you keep your mind on Him the more you’ll see how big He is, the more you’ll believe in Him, and the more He’ll reveal Himself to you by performing signs and wonders in your life. He’ll reveal Himself to you so much that the supernatural will become a normal way of life. Miracles will happen to you and God will use you to minister miracles to others. Don’t be afraid of the miraculous but embrace it and believe it is for you.

Mark 16:19,20 says, “So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.” The NLT Bible says, “The Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs.” We read in Acts 14:3, “But the apostles stayed there a long time, preaching boldly about the grace of the Lord. And the Lord proved their message was true by giving them power to do miraculous signs and wonders.” A “sign” is a ‘mark’ or an ‘indicator’ and a “signature” is when you put your mark on a document confirming what was written on it is true and accurate. God signs His Word but not with ink and paper. He does it with signs and wonders. He does it with miracles.

The Bible says God confirms His Word with signs following. The word “sign” is the root word for ‘signature’ and God puts His signature on His Word by performing signs and wonders. The signature of God are miracles taking place in your life and through you into the lives of others. God always has been and always will be the God of miracles. He bears witness to His Word being spoken and acted upon and lived out by His people with gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. If you believe in the God of miracles you can experience miracles now in this life right where you’re at. The Lord still confirms His Word and puts His signature on it with miracles and signs following. It is possible for you to pay off every debt and not owe anybody anything. It is possible like the woman with the issue of blood to be healed and made whole. Miracles follow those who believe. You can have power that makes all things possible.

Hebrews 2:4 (NLT) states, “And God confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever He chose.” God bears witness to His Word! The Message Bible says, “God was validating it with gifts through the Holy Spirit, all sorts of signs and wonders, as He saw fit.” Most people today need a transformation in their minds. Too many are satisfied with the absence of the miraculous in their lives. They don’t hunger for miracles nor do they seek them or pursue them. Yes, they hunger and thirst for the Word but when their minds are filled with the knowledge of God they feel that is enough. They’re satisfied with head knowledge and do not pursue the miraculous. Paul wrote in 2 Tim. 3:5 that some people have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. They go out of their way to act religious but in their hearts they reject the power that can make them godly.

God wants to do more than what’s being done today but first people need to change the way they think. They believe a lot of things written on paper but have a hard time believing when it begins to manifest physically. More than once when Jesus performed miracles people got scared and asked Him to leave. Faith comes by hearing and people need to hear about miracles and signs and wonders. A sign is something you can see and discern that proves God is real. Signs speak. Signs have a voice. Moses had an audience with Pharaoh because the signs he performed were speaking. Jesus is our example in everything we do and Acts 2:22 (NLT) says, “People of Israel, listen! God publicly endorsed Jesus the Nazarene by doing powerful miracles, wonders, and signs through Him, as you well know.” God put His signature on what Jesus was preaching. Water was turned into wine, the dead was raised to life, and people were healed and set free.

Jesus said in John 14:12, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also, because I go to My Father.” A Christian is “one like the Christ” whose life is marked with miracles. God is the God of miracles and everything He does is a miracle. He confirms the Word with signs following. He marks His Word to let you know it is indeed His Word. The signature of God are miracles working in you and through you. Those who followed after Jesus had lives that were also marked with miracles. The book of Acts is just not a history book. It’s a revelation of how the church is supposed to act and think and live. Be open to what God can do and will do when you believe and cooperate with Him. God does financial miracles, healing miracles, and marriage miracles. He created the universe and He can provide you with the means to pay your light bill and cure your cancer and heal your broken marriage. He can set you free and make you whole again.

In the book of Acts there are recorded page after page of signs and wonders. Christians believe these miracles happened then but struggle believing they can still happen today. They don’t realize that the book of Acts never ended, it’s still being written today. Believers the world over are living in the book of Acts. They’re a part of it. If you are born again then you are part of the same church started in the book of Acts. There is one church and one church only. If you are born again you are a part of the church of Jesus Christ. God confirmed the Word with signs following then, and He’s doing the same thing today. This being true, where are the miracles in your life? When was the last time you walked on water or raised somebody from the dead? When was the last time you fed a house full of unexpected guests with just a few saltine crackers and a couple sardines from a can? You can believe in the miraculous but are signs and wonders happening in your life? Are you expecting them to?

Romans 6:4 says that “Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father” and we then read in Rom. 8:11, “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” The Lord’s body was quickened and made full of life when the glory of the Father filled up that dark, damp tomb. It enveloped Him and the same thing that happened to Jesus will happen to you. The glory of the Father will envelop you and make you whole. God never changes. He still quickens bodies today. He takes sick and broken bodies and brings them to life. He fills dead bank accounts with His glory. Manifestations of His glory and His quickening power is in the earth today. In the book of Acts entire cities turned to Jesus when miracles were performed and the same thing should be happening today.

Before Jesus ascended into heaven He told the disciples in Acts 1:8, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” In Acts 1 Jesus went up and in Acts 2 the Holy Spirit came down. And oh, what a grand entrance He had. “Now when the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting” (Acts 2:1,2). This was not a little, brisk breeze. This was a powerful hurricane-like wind! It was loud! It was rushing! It was powerful! It was mighty! When God says “mighty” He means mighty! People have not yet imagined what it was like in that upper room. This wasn’t a soft breeze. The wind came and it was strong and loud and soon it got stronger and more loud. It was a mighty, powerful wind! It got their attention and was a witness to them that God was moving.

The Holy Spirit is still in the earth today and this is the type of grand entrance He likes to have. Acts 2:3,4 says, “Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” First there came the sound of a rushing mighty wind and then like a wildfire the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks. God doesn’t change and believers today are part of the same church that was in that upper room. It’s the same Holy Spirit and we should be experiencing the same types of manifestations. There should be in our midst the presence of a rushing mighty wind. All believers should be speaking in other tongues and people everywhere should be getting healed and raised from the dead and set free from all that would have them bound.

Not only did the Holy Spirit have a grand entrance on the day of Pentecost, the disciples who were in that upper room did as well. Peter began to preach to the multitudes and “those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them” (Acts 2:41). They were on a mission to turn their world upside down and before long cities everywhere were shaken and stirred. Acts 3 tells how Peter and John went to the temple at the hour of prayer and met a crippled man asking for alms. “And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, ‘Look at us'” (vs. 4). Your eyes are the window into your spirit and Peter wanted the crippled man to listen to them from his inner man and not just his outer natural ears. “So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them” (vs. 5). You also need to expect to receive something. Expect God to move on your behalf. God is a good God and He always wants to do something wonderful, something awesome, something amazing. The signature of God is miracles so always expect signs and wonders to be manifested in your life.

Faith always expects and if you believe and are fully persuaded you’ll be expecting something wonderful to happen to you. “Then Peter said, ‘Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.’ And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength” (vs. 6,7). If you’re expecting something good to happen to you then you can’t stay depressed. You won’t be down and sour or be in despair so get excited and start expecting right now. If you expect nothing, you’ll receive nothing. If you expect little, you’ll receive little. But if you will expect signs and wonders, you will receive the signature of God. You will receive miracles. Believe in the goodness of God for signs follow those who believe. “So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them – walking, leaping, and praising God” (vs. 8). All miracles glorify God. Stir yourself up and expect to receive something miraculous today. When it happens, you also will go walking and leaping and praising God.

Faith is not based on what you see, feel, or understand. It’s based on what you choose to believe. People who don’t believe elevate their ignorance above God’s wisdom. A Christian is one who believes in the Christ, the anointed One and His anointing. He is the only way to the Father, the only way to salvation and redemption, the only way to being made whole. It is the Lord who confirms the Word with signs following. In the book of Acts signs and wonders were a working part of all their lives. They saw people healed from impossible situations. They saw people delivered from seemingly hopeless mental bondages and confusions. They saw the dead raised to life. They saw amazing miracles in their midst, in their meetings, and as they traveled down the road. Today we are a part of the same church. We have the same gospel, the same name of Jesus, the same power of the Holy Spirit. We should be having the same miracles in our midst as they did back then. Do you believe these miracles happened in the book of Acts? Do you believe these same miracles can happen now? If you choose to believe in Him, you have to believe in miracles. They are the signature of God.

You need faith for miracles. Gal. 3:5 says, “Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?” Faith is the victory that overcomes the world and Jesus preached the Word before He healed anybody. One time Jesus was teaching in a crowded house and Luke 5:17 says “the power of the Lord was present to heal them.” At this point nobody was getting healed. The Pharisees and teachers of the law who were there listening to Jesus were too busy judging and criticizing Him for what He said. Healing was not on their mind and they had no idea the power was there to heal them. People only think the power is there if they see something or feel something but when the gospel message is taught in truth the power will be there whether people realize it or not. Power that “makes possible” will be there to heal people, to get them saved, and to get them made whole. By having faith in the signature of God old things will pass away and all things will become new.

Outside that same house were some believers who were on a mission to get their paralyzed friend in the presence of Jesus. “And when they could not find how they might bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the housetop and let him down with his bed through the tiling into the midst before Jesus” (Luke 5:19). Faith is persistent! Faith is fully persuaded and does whatever it takes. It’s not moved by what other people feel, say, and do. Faith finds a way where there seems to be no way. These men didn’t come this far to quit and they persistently looked for a way to get their friend into the house. Then they looked up! So many people are easily deterred. Most people would have walked away and gone home. Not these guys. They went up on the roof and lowered their friend down in front of Jesus. Verse 20 says Jesus “saw their faith.” How can you see faith? You don’t go to these great lengths unless you are absolutely convinced that God will move on your behalf, that God will put His signature on the situation at hand.

It takes power to perform the miraculous but it takes faith to receive the power. Power without faith brings about no manifestation. It’s not enough that Jesus is in the house. It’s not enough that the power is there to make you whole. Faith must come into the house also. Jesus saw their faith and it pleased Him for faith always pleases God. He then said something that shocked everybody. “Man, your sins are forgiven you” (Vs. 20). You could feel the tension in the whole house. “How dare Him! Who does He think He is? Only God can forgive sin!” Why did Jesus say this? Sometimes condemnation undermines faith and Jesus knew the paralyzed man needed to hear this. 1 John 3: 20,21 says, “For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God.”

The Message Bible says in vs. 22, “And friends, once that’s taken care of and we’re no longer accusing or condemning ourselves, we’re bold and free before God! We’re able to stretch our hands out and receive what we asked for because we’re doing what He said, doing what pleases Him.” Being in the presence of Jesus doesn’t automatically heal you. If you want confidence, you must get rid of the condemnation. If you want miracles, you’ve got to have faith. If you want faith, you’ve got to get rid of the guilt. Jesus knew what needed to happen and with His amazing, piercing eyes He looked at the man and told him his sins were forgiven. “They are remitted! They are gone! Your guilt and shame is no more! You’ve been restored to right standing with God.” At that moment the man’s guilt and condemnation is leaving him and his faith is soaring. He is believing that right now there is nothing hindering him from getting what he came for. There is no reason he can’t get healed and be made whole. A miracle is about to take place.

Jesus perceived the thoughts of the doubters in the room and said to them, “Why are you reasoning in your hearts? Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say ‘Rise up and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins” – He said to the man who was paralyzed, “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house” (Luke 5:22-24). The man then rose up and departed to his own house, glorifying God all the way. Today people think it’s easier to get their sins forgiven than it is to get healed but Jesus said both are the same. If you have faith and confidence that Jesus will forgive you when you ask Him to, that same faith will get you healed and made whole. There is no difference. Jesus said “Which is easier?” The problem is people think forgiveness is easier. They have no problem with 1 John 1:9 but waver when it comes to healing. Which is easier? To say your sins are forgiven, or rise up and walk? Jesus says both are the same.

Don’t ever make light of forgiveness. Jesus bled and died so you could be forgiven. He was also beaten and stripes were put on His back so you could be healed. On the cross He was made poor so you could become rich. Forgiveness, healing, and financial restoration are all part of the same redemptive work. They were accomplished at the same time. If you can be forgiven, you can be healed. They work the same way. How do you get forgiven? You ask, and then you believe. You don’t wait for all your guilty feelings to go away. It’s not based on how you feel. You just believe you are forgiven, and you are. Do not minimize being forgiven. It is just as miraculous as God creating the heavens and the earth. It is not a small thing. People get forgiven every day yet struggle when it comes to healing and financial prosperity. If you know how to be forgiven, you know how to be healed and how to get your bills paid. You do it exactly the same way. The fact that the paralyzed man got healed proves he was forgiven. This is how God thinks. If you can be forgiven, you can be healed.

Miracles follow those who believe. Many believe to a certain degree but not to the point where they can believe. There are a lot of miracles in the life of Jesus and in the book of Acts that are not seen today. Don’t water down the Bible to match your lack of faith. Ask God to elevate your faith and vision until you act and live like they lived. Measure your life by what you read in the book of Acts and if your life don’t match theirs then ask God to change you and help you come up to a higher level, to have the same kind of fervency and desire. God works with the Word and confirms the Word with signs following. You don’t have to live a mundane, physical only and mental only kind of life. Believe for miracles. Don’t push the miraculous off into a corner somewhere. Believe for them and expect them to happen. Expect the signature of God to follow you wherever you go. God is bigger than you can figure and , if you’ll let Him, He will reveal Himself and manifest Himself and make Himself real to you.

Faith is positive, not negative. Too many people preach what you can’t do instead of what you can do. They preach bad news – “don’t do this, don’t do that” – and they preach fire and brimstone instead of the glories of heaven. Their cup is always half empty instead of half full. Negative! Negative! Negative! These people have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. They blaspheme and scoff at miracles and say they don’t happen anymore. When you deny the power of godliness, you deny God. Other people say the earth and the human race evolved on their own. They deny the power thereof. They say the cosmos created itself and the theory of evolution says the human race went from “the goo to the zoo to you.” They deny God and choose to believe something else. They mock, ridicule, and threaten those who believe miracles are real and not some mythical symbol. This happened in the book of Acts and the disciples prayed, “Now, Lord, look at their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus” (Acts 4:29,30).

The Message Bible says, “Take care of their threats and give Your servants fearless confidence in preaching Your Message, as You stretch out Your hand to us in healings and miracles and wonders done in the name of Your holy servant Jesus.” When threatened the disciples asked for more boldness which means “fearlessness, with all confidence, no reservations, no fear.” Verse 31 tells what happened next, “And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.” Our God is a miracle working God and He likes to shake things. He is a shaking and quaking God. Acts 16:25,26 says, “But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.”

The iron gates were opened and the chains fell off. Likewise, the signature of God will remove every yoke and every burden from your life. The chains of sin, alcohol, drug addiction, poverty, and every type of sickness and disease will fall off when you believe in the miracle working power of God. Somebody may ask you, “What happened to your cancer?” to which you’ll respond, “It fell off!” What happened to your poverty? It fell off! What happened to your troubled and depressed mind? It fell off! That which has you bound will fall off when God shows Himself strong on your behalf. For this to happen you must look beyond the natural and be more aware of spiritual realities. By doing so you will experience the miraculous with signs and wonders following. What do you do at the midnight hour when you’re hurting and no relief seems in sight? Like Paul and Silas you pray and you sing. Lift your voice in spite of your tears and in spite of your pain and discomfort. Believe God heard your prayer and that He is forever faithful. Believe He’ll never leave you or forsake you and He’ll never let you down. Believe for the signature of God and then step back and watch the miracles happen.

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