Day 6 Jesus redeemed us to express Himself through us.

Ephesians 1:7
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace

Jesus didn’t just save you so you could be saved; He saved you so you could lead others to salvation. Jesus delivered you for a reason: for you to become a deliverer. He healed you because He wants to use your hands to heal others. He yearns to express Himself through us.

We are the temple of the Holy Spirit; We are His hands and His mouth to be used to bless His people. The blessing He has given us was not given just to amaze us; it was done so that we may go forward and do for others what He has done for us.

Jesus cannot physically visit the sick, imprisoned or hopeless, and neither can He heal the brokenhearted or the depressed unless he uses your body or mine. He wants to express Himself through us, and people will never see Jesus except through us.

Now that God has restored us, given us His supernatural power and anointed us to go forward in His name; we must go! Jesus served the people, and He has not changed, but operates through us today.

God to use your hands to heal others. Today is the day to activate those gifts.

Pray with me
Lord Jesus, I come before You because I want to be used as an extension of your hands, your feet and your whole body, to touch those who need you. Activate in me the gifts of healing and deliverance, because I want to serve with love. You saved me to express Yourself through me. Use my life, Lord.

Bible Readings: Psalm 86:5; Ephesians 3:8,16; Exodus 34:7

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